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Surgical Services Department

Bacon County Hospital and Health System's Surgical Services Department is an up and coming department that has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years.

Regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 3:30 pm, with a Surgical Call Team available for emergencies occurring after hours, on weekends, and holidays.

The department includes an ambulatory service area with a 5-bed capacity, a gastrointestinal endoscopic procedure room, and 2 operating rooms.

Available services include:

General surgery
OB/GYN surgeries
Orthopedics and podiatry
Endoscopic procedures
Pain management interventions

The GI unit, a subunit of Surgical Services, offers the following procedures:

PEG tube insertion
Push Enteroscopy


The anesthesia team consists of 3 licensed CRNAs on site Monday thru Friday. They are responsible for providing general anesthesia, epidural blocks, and conscious sedation. Nurse staffing includes RNs, LPNs, and Surgical Scrub Technicians. Department policies and practices are based on AORN (Association of Operating Room Nurses) guidelines.