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Pre-op and Post-op Instructions

Pre-op instructions


1. Do not take any aspirin, blood thinners (heparin, Coumadin) or Motrin or any anti-inflammatories (Aleve, Advil etc.) At least 3-5 days prior to your surgery.

PLAVIX will need to be discontinued for 2 weeks prior to procedure. (Abdominal Surgery only)

2. After supper, take 1 ½ ounces of Fleets by mouth (no prescription needed.) Around 6:00 pm or 7:00 pm. (Abdominal Surgery only)

3. You may take your morning medications with a small sip of water the morning of your surgery. Blood pressure medications etc. Take NO diabetic medications.

4. You will need someone to drive you home after your surgery. Your surgery may be cancelled if you do not.

Please notify your physician if you questions or concerns, become ill or have a family emergency and are unable to have your surgery.

Post-op Instructions

1. You may remove your dressing the day after surgery.

2. You may take a shower; wash the incision site with soap and water, pat dry. If you need a dressing, a gauze dressing is acceptable.

3. Taking pain medication may cause constipation; this may be prevented by drinking plenty of fluids and taking stool softeners (Surfak) 2 to 3 times daily. When taking stool softeners, it is very important to drink an 8 oz glass of water with each dose per day. If you become constipated, you may take 3 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia. Repeat dose as needed.

Please notify your physician if you questions or concerns, if you experience increased redness, swelling or drainage from your incision site, or develop a fever over 101.